sorts up to quicksort
Popular sorting algorithms all build from two facts. 1. That any element is out of place if it’s larger than any other element with a larger index. 2. We grow a sorted subarray by swapping out of order elements.
We need a swap fn()
def swap(a, i, j):
a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i]
selection sort: Grow the sorted subarray in the front
Our sorted subarray starts at index 0 and grows to n-1. At each instance, find the smallest element and swap element in place.
def selectionsort(a):
for sorted_array_idx in range(0, len(a)):
i = sorted_array_idx
for j in range(i+1, len(a)):
if a[j] < a[i]:
i = j
swap(a, i, j)
insertion sort: Being more clever about growing the sorted subarray from the front
At any element j
, we loop from j
to 0 while the loop invariant
array[j] < array[j-1]
continues to be true. When the invariant is false, the
previous swap() puts element j
in place in the sorted subarray.
def insertionsort(a):
for i in range(1, len(array)):
j = i
while j > 0 and array[j] < array[j-1]:
swap(a, j, j-1)
j -= 1
bubblesort: Grow the sorted subarray at the back
For any element i
, we can swap with i
+1 if a[i] > a[i+1]
. If we loop
over an array and swap at each of these conditions, then the last element will
be the array’s largest value.
def bubblesort(a):
SORTED = False
sorted_array_idx = len(a)-1
while not SORTED:
for i in range(0, sorted_array_idx):
if a[i+1] < a[i]:
swap(a, i, i+1)
SORTED = False
sorted_array_idx -= 1
Quicksort: find the absolute index of the first element
All the previous sorting algorithms depend on a sorted subarray index. This is the index we continue to swap until the correct value is in place.
Quicksort uses the unsorted part of an array to find the absolute final place of the sorted subarray index (now called a pivot index). Because the pivot index is in it’s final place. We recurse over the unsorted left/right subarrays.
def quicksort(a, start, end):
if end <= start:
pivot_idx = start
left = start+1
right = end
while right >= left:
if a[left] > a[pivot_idx]
and a[right] < a[pivot_idx]:
swap(a, i, j)
if a[left] <= a[pivot_idx]:
i += 1
if a[right] >= a[pivot_idx]:
j -= 1
# this swap places the correct value of j
# into the pivot index.
swap(a, pivot_idx, j)
quicksort(a, start, right-1)
quicksort(a, right+1, end)