sorts up to quicksort

Popular sorting algorithms all build from two facts. 1. That any element is out of place if it’s larger than any other element with a larger index. 2. We grow a sorted subarray by swapping out of order elements.

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adopt existing helm resources

Every once in a while, you need to install a helm chart that corresponds with already existing resources. Usually, when trying to use a helm chart to have more control over a kube-system daemonset or operator: aws-node, coreDNS, or kube-proxy for instance. But if you try to install their helm chart you can get Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists. You can get helm to adopt resources by using the correct annotation/labels.

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controller runtime client basics

controller-runtime is a SIG project that makes building Controllers (or other native k8s apps) easier. But their client isn’t completely automagic like client-go. Below is an outline of the basic CRUD and useful links for finding the missing info faster.

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